I headed out for a ride hitting some St. Germain, Eagle River, Sayner, Arbor Vitae and Lake Tomahawk trails. The St. Germain, Eagle River and Lake Tomahawk trails I rode had been groomed. Most of the Sayner trails were groomed. Arbor Vitae had been groomed the night  before so were still pretty smooth. All the groomed trails were smooth overall (there were some bumps the groomer wasn’t able to completely smooth out) and packed in tight. The Sayner ones that hadn’t been groomed were still pretty smooth with some small bumps. Today was one of those days where the trails were so nice just wanted to ride all day. Most of what I rode was very good with some fair areas. There is some snirt in areas making the trail brownish but still plenty that are white with good snow cover. There are some corners getting pushed out making them icy and/or thin on snow on the insides, but majority are still in good shape. My carbides scraped a few times on corners but not too much. The trails bounced back quickly after the heavy weekend traffic. As long as the groomers keep going out the trails will stay nice.

Plowed road trails range from having a decent ice base with some snow on them to having areas that are thin with no snow and bare spots. the carbides were scraping in spots on them.

Most lakes in the area marked. If a lake is not marked or you’re not sure about the ice, consider it unsafe. Please stay off the lakes until they are safe.

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