Yesterday the temp made it into the low 30’s with sunshine so there was some melting. Then we got about 3/4 of an inch of snow in the evening. We both headed out for rides in different directions hitting some St. Germain, Sayner, Conover, Arbor Vitae, Lake Tomahawk and Eagle River trails. The Eagle River, Arbor Vitae and Conover trails we rode had been groomed. Sayner groomed some of their trails but not others. The St. Germain and Lake Tomahawk trails I rode hadn’t been groomed. The groomed trails were pretty smooth. The ungroomed ones ranged from pretty smooth to getting bumpy. With the fresh snow and mild temps (it’s already low 30s at 9am), trails weren’t able to set up after the groomers and had a very soft feel to them. We both agree that after the warm temps yesterday, overall trail conditions dropped a bit (a street sweeper out last night didn’t help either by trying to blow all the snow off some corners). Trail conditions vary quite a bit, from poor up to very good. There are areas with plenty of snow that are good to very good. Majority are in fair condition and then there are some poor areas that are thin on snow. Carbides were scraping a fair amount – especially in corners but also on some straight stretches. There’s a lot of brown trails from snirt.
The plowed road trails are getting thin in areas so expect the carbides to scrape.
Some lakes are bumpy and if you go off the marked trail there is slush.
Today is suppose to be warm, up to 40. There is a chance of snow tonight so hopefully it won’t get as warm as predicted and we’ll actually get enough snow to help the trails.