It was another warm one yesterday with a high around 40 but had clouds most of the day. I headed out for a ride hitting some St. Germain and Lake Tomahawk trails. St. Germain trails were freshly groomed and look the Lake Tomahawk ones had been groomed the day before. Overall trails were smooth with a few areas that had some bumps the groomer wasn’t able to flatten out. Trails ranged from bad (couldn’t wait to get off it) to beautiful (wanted to ride them all day). With the warmer temps there’s been melting and you will see some bare spots. There are areas brown from snirt. Your carbides will scrape in areas. Then there were good areas. I found some trails that are holding up fine with the warm temps. They were mostly white with good snow cover and sweet to ride.
Plowed road trails seem to be take the biggest hit from the warmth. Some are holding an ice base while others are showing a lot of pavement.
It’s getting late in the season and temps are warming which is melting some areas. We’ve been getting fresh snow periodically which helps cover the melted areas. However, once an area has bare ground showing, any warm temps or sun will melt new snow quickly. There are still plenty of nice trails but getting to them will mean riding some bad stuff.