We picked up an inch and a half of snow Saturday night. Still not as much as we’d like or need but it all helps. I headed out for a ride but got cut short by my check engine light coming on. I did manage to hit some St. Germain, Eagle River and Sayner trails. St. Germain had groomed their trails I rode while Eagle Rive and Sayner hadn’t. Conditions are slowly improving but we still need more snow. The trails I rode today were overall fair/poor with some good stretches. My carbides were scraping in a lot of corners, especially on the trails that hadn’t been groomed and even on some straight stretches. Corners are getting pushed out from traffic making them icy and/or thin on snow. There were some areas that I’d list as good, mainly straight stretches, with adequate snow cover. Bumps aren’t much of an issue as there’s limited snow to make them. Just be careful of some “dip bumps” as we can them which are dips in trail that need to be filled with snow but haven’t been yet. All the trails I rode are brown from snirt.
Plowed road trails are thin on snow and ice as my carbides were scraping on them today.
To sum things up: there is a minimal base or no base on our trails and we haven’t had enough snow yet so dirt is getting mixed in with the snow and carbides are scraping quite a bit. Groomers are doing what they can but they need more snow to work with. Expect early season conditions even though it’s February.
Since my ride got cut short, I only took one picture…