I headed out for a ride hitting some Sayner, Lake Tomahawk and St. Germain trails. All the trails I rode were groomed last night. Trails were smooth overall with some bumps but not enough to complain about. Some were packed in tight while others had more of a loose feel to them and it felt like you were riding on beach sand. I’m going with an overall good rating. There are some fair areas but then there’s some very good to excellent. My carbides did scrape on the insides of some corners. Some trails have a brownish color due to snirt. Some corners are getting pushed out making them icy and/or thin on snow. I found some areas that were all white and beautiful – made me want to turn around and ride them again.
Plowed road trails have been scraped down and a lot of them are plowed to the tree line. The carbides will scrape in spots and hard to get on the banks.
Lakes are pretty good – fairly smooth with some small drifts in spots. Saw a couple small slush spots but nothing to worry about.