We FINALLY got some snow. 9 inches fell yesterday and it looks wonderful outside. I headed out for a quick ride hitting some St. Germain, Eagle River, Sayner and Lake Tomahawk trails. All had been groomed. Overall things were smooth but did find some bumps in areas. With the fresh snow trails had a soft feel to them. My carbides were scraping on some corners. As more traffic hits expect pushed out corners making them thin on snow. Most trails are brown from snirt but did find some white stretches.

Plowed road trails are still thin – my carbides were scraping on them.

Lakes are getting slush in areas and with strong winds today, there might be some drifts on them.

This snow is a blessing and will really help the trails. Unfortunately it was a dry snow so isn’t packing in as good. It’s going to take several groomings and cold weather to really get this snow packed down, that’s when conditions will really improve.


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