I headed out for a ride hitting some St. Germain, Eagle River, Conover, Sayner and Lake Tomahawk trails. The St. Germain, Eagle River and Conover trails I rode were groomed. The Sayner and Lake tomahawk ones I rode weren’t groomed. It’s really a mixed bag of conditions out there. I found some trails that I wanted to ride on all day. Then I found some that made me want to park the sled until there’s more snow. I’m going to go with an overall rating of fair/good. There are some poor areas that need snow and then there’s some very good to excellent areas.

I’m going to keep this report short because hopefully by this afternoon it will need to be redone since it’s suppose to snow. IF we get the snow that’s predicted, it will elevate conditions a lot – especially after the groomers get out and pack it down. I don’t want to get my hopes up as too many “predicted” storms haven’t materialized… Keep your fingers crossed that the snow will come this time…


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